Tuesday 29 November 2011

Choosing an artist name

As we've picked an artist now we needed to decide on a name. The group had been given a few days to come up with as many original names as they could. Using my research on similar artists and Paolo Nutini's record label Atlantic records, I found that most people signed under that label either used a single name such as Diggy or Skillet, or had an obsure new original name such as Jason Mraz or Trey songz. This research helped me come up with names for a mind map such as Dylan, and Barney. I chose these names as they have not yet been taken in the music industry with the exception of Bob Dylan. The rest of the group contributed their name ideas and we then picked out 3 names that we liked the most. The one name that came up for everyone was Leo Blue, We thought this name was original, eye catching and entertaining. This name would be simple to create a logo for as we could create a blue lion as his symbol.

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